Despite all the dependent parameters inherent, Design is independent
act because of its willful nature. Design is a series of
destructive-constructive set of actions. For any design, the concepts,
functions and forms inherited in the already available information in
the first place are distructed primarily in the mind, and reconstructed
into other structures. Here at this point, the individual designer’ s
having a professional mental library is not enough for this combined
action. Especially when the concepts are refered, the designer
establishes a world in which the design s/he produced is included. In
this sense, in fact, every object is part of the utopia in which it
belongs to, and the designer is the figurative founder of this utopia.
Therefore, at least they should be aware of the current ideal life
The 9th emu_InternationalDesignWeek focuses on the theme
‘IN/DEPENDENCE’ in search of a stimulating milieu that encourages the
motivation to produce ideas and products along the
DEPENDENCE-INDEPENDENCE axis in a multidimensional and dynamic process
of creative thinking. Academicians and practitioners from different
disciplines of design are invited to come together between 8-10th of
May, 2019 and share their experiences and knowledge at the Faculty of
Architecture, EMU, Famagusta, Cyprus.